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SalesOut IRI announces a new partnership with the Federation of Wholesale Distributors

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  • SalesOut

We are pleased to announce SalesOut IRI has a new agreement with the Federation of Wholesale Distributors (the FWD), the trade association for food and drink wholesalers in the UK. The new initiative will see SalesOut IRI supporting the FWD in their dialogue with the Government during the COVID-19 crisis. The team will supply wholesale data and insight to the FWD to help them drive fact-based conversation around the challenges faced by the wholesale sector at this time.

SalesOut IRI is keen to support the wholesale industry in any way we can during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, particularly after alarming headlines for the sector. The FWD’s Chief Executive James Bielby appeared on national television earlier this month to share the troubling news that 33% of the organisation’s members could face financial ruin without key government support. We hope that the FWD’s timely intervention and lobbying will help to shine a spotlight on the strain felt by this key sector of the British food and drink industry. SalesOut IRI is perfectly placed to assist the FWD, working with 7 of the UK’s leading wholesalers and processing over 20 million wholesale transactions every week.

SalesOut IRI Managing Director Kirsty Harris-Clarke comments:

[dt_quote type="blockquote" font_size="big" animation="none" background="plain"]“We’re delighted to be working with the team at the FWD. An already complex sector will now win or lose on its ability to assimilate the situation and rapidly pivot, as announcements are made to allow businesses to open either in entirety or to sections of people and businesses. We saw the early impact on purchasing behaviour that was sparked by every new government announcement back in March. As we try to predict how the physical restrictions will play out in the future, it is crucial that wholesalers have fast and up-to-date access to what is happening outside of their own business. This will ensure they can put plans in place to provide the right stock to their diverse customer base at just the moment that they need it”.[/dt_quote]

A clear, data-driven picture of how the food and drink sector is reacting in other countries is invaluable to help forecast the next steps in the UK. We have shared key insight from IRI colleagues in Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece and New Zealand detailing the impact of COVID-19 on the FMCG industry.

Published 5 October, 2021

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