With the financial year for many businesses drawing to a close around now and the end of Q1 bearing down on us, it is the time that lots of FMCG brands are asking themselves - where is the growth going to come from next? With trading conditions in the multis such that maintaining as opposed to gaining position is likely to be the strategic objective and convenience offering little headroom for growth, independent convenience & foodservice are the next frontier for growth.
However, what we often hear from Sales Directors and members of senior leadership teams is that there just isn’t the data available to support a business case for significant investment. Well nobody likes to hear that they are wrong, but in this particular case it is probably good news because the data required is very often already in the building, it just isn’t being joined-up, or if it is it is happening slowly and inefficiently as a manual exercise.
What if you could call in SalesOut data for over 75% of the wholesale market at the click of a button?
As a SalesOut Unify user you are already getting access to all the SalesOut data within the individual wholesalers you subscribe to and can see how your products stack up against the competition. If you are subscribing to a number of different wholesalers from the 7 we have available right now you are getting a really good view of the market, it just isn’t in a single view that shows you all of the wholesaler data together in your language. This is where OneView comes in.
OneView is the savior of your data and analytics team as the job of taking all of the market data you subscribe to and combining it with any internal data will be taking them days to complete and is open to all manner of human error. Once it is complete we’re sure it is useful but if it takes a few days to create and a few days to present and assimilate then sadly it is also going to be out of date almost straight away as all our data refreshes weekly.
So what does OneView actually do?
SalesOut OneView is a dedicated data connector for Excel that allows you to instantly see all of the data direct from our servers and into the pivot table format your analysts will already be using. It can even add in your own or third-party wholesale data to give you the most complete view of the wholesale market available in the UK - bar none.
What this gives you is the ability to quickly and easily centralise, enhance and visualise your data to see the opportunities for growth. Simply put OneView uncovers:
● How much headroom there is in a category or channel
● View data in £ or % terms to easily build a business case
● How different wholesalers perform against each other and show where the opportunities are
● One truth, one reporting language….yours
● Identify and track market trends to allow you to act on them at the right time
● A dedicated account manager to help you every step of the way
● Additional metrics over the standard Unify platform
But why can’t I just get this inside Unify?
Well you can, with OneView Unify we can connect all of this wholesale data together into the interface you are already using and see the market overview within your existing suite of reports. This is a fantastic option for users who require a higher-level snapshot of the market and want to understand the performance of their category or products across all 7 wholesalers. However, what it won’t do is allow you to manipulate this data and overlay it with other datasets you may have access to, this is where the OneView Excel connector comes in.
The choice is yours - if you need a better understanding of the wholesale market on which to base the decisions you are making right now then you have two great options. Upgrade your Unify platform to become OneView Unify and get all of the wholesale data you need in one easy to use interface that you are already using day-to-day. Alternatively, if you have a data team and want to give them the tools to totally customise your reporting and overlay lots of additional data then you need our OneView Excel data connector.
Two great products you can access straight away.
Many of the top 50 FMCG brands are already using OneView to make quicker and smarter decisions about where to focus their resources to deliver growth. To get a demo of either OneView Unify or OneView Excel just get in touch and we would be delighted to set this up for you.